To all whom wish to read this review, allow me to state some facts and ask a few question as that every other review on mouthshut gets vandalised by member repeating themself on bullshit facts
and scams.
So firstly I ll tell you that I am a member of QN and have only been with the company for 1 year, no Im not a millionaire or have made a giant some of money. But I also believe that I havent lost any money either, but I ll get back to that later. I also must state that I currently live, work and do QN in
AUSTRALIA so before you try and bad mouth myself or QN, look at the laws of other countries because I don’t give a fly F!@#$ about what happening in India or china or were every else people are reading this from, my facts are coming from Australia and not India.
So what I believe needs to be discussed is why every guy and his dog on mouth shut recons that QN is a scam. Now I have read many of the reviews and comments on QN from all of you and I will be
drawing from many of them to answer and ask questions. In most reviews people have asked why is QN a scam but I don’t believe that there has been a straight answer, the AOQ (attacker’s of Quest) have trying to answer that question by saying that the CEO’s have been arrested for fraud because of something that
happened that had nothing to do with quest. But now that has been over turned.
One member continues to state that 90per cent of people will lose there money. If you do not understand why he thinks this its because that when all 6.1 billion people in the world join the business will stop and all the new people will lose their money. What I have to say about this is that if/when QN reaches 6 billion people do you even understand the amount of wealth that will be generated for all members and a business that continually donates money and sponsors charity’s and other organisations.
If QN didn’t give back to the community around the world I would not follow, QN’s main foundation RYTHM (Rise yourself to help mankind) donates to charities around the world. So if they get
more money then hopefully they can help more people, in poorer countries.
Plus if anyone is so dumb that they join into a network marking business that nearly has every single human in that business must be frecken idiots. Furthermore this doesn’t make it a scam nor does it
make it illegal so please tell me why QN is been labelled as a scam.
To continue with the whole scam situation, I have read that people will lose there homes and have to sell everything to pay off debits because of QN. So tell me how does this work, I purchased a gold
coin collectable’s which cost me US$540 (also if ur going to make comments dealing with a currency, make it US dollars as I have) and I received my coins 3 to 4 weeks later, exactly as they were described on the web, so I really can see how I lost money. I paid for a product and then I received it.
So.. .yeah, please explain?
SO this is what I know, QN is a network marketing business that sells gold collectables, holidays packs,
telecommunication and lifestyle products. They use a commission basis to
distribute income as any other networking marketing business out there.
I know of many network business such as AmWay, ACN, Avon,
and others. Tell me how QN is any different to these networking businesses apart from having a better business plain, higher growth, income and that one day QN
will be the biggest and best Network marketing business around. I don’t see why
anyone would sign over your house to anyone or how u will lose your money.
I really hate this site, truly despise it just because it has members that don’t discuss problems but b!+ch over them like 2 year olds fighting over a toy. I can not be stuffed writing anymore but
I will try and add more reviews when I feel it is necessary. Please leave any comment or questions and I hope together we can answer them and not change the subject.
Also if you are going to add comments make sure there just not bullshit from ur behind but something u can back up, also if one of the AOQ comments like a 2 year old don’t give them the satisfaction
of replying to them as they all seem to be closed minded losers.
Thanks you.