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Member Since:May 11, 2007
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Quest Net, It's NOT a scam
Reviewed Quest
To all whom wish to read this review, allow me to state some facts and ask a few question as that every other review on mouthshut gets vandalised by meRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Whats that wiki link got to do with QN? It said a Pyramid scheme crashed in 1997. So what, it wasn't QN was it? and Anyway We have already stated that QN isn't illegal.
Geezs i go away for a week and there is a war in the commentary box. benedictkong22 Sorry to say but I think curiosity333 is right u have lost all credibility, you keep spinning dust so that no one can see what ur really doing but none of ur comments have had any real facts or meaning to them making Read More...
And one day when all 6.1 billion people enter the business, that will stop, but if u knew more about the business QN have telecommunication products that also give an opportunity to earn an extra income and QN keep coming out with extra products and systems , and that’s is why I have no concern abou Read More...
To answer ur questions. To enter QN you must purchase one of the products available from there on line store. Yes this could be gold coins or jewel, but it also can be telecommunication, lifestyle and holiday products as well. Corrected me if I m wrong but brownie in point 1 are u trying to stat Read More...
Sorry mate but i don't know how explained QN to you but i think ur wrong. and this is why. QN gives met he opprurity to earn an Extra income, now i say EXTRA because i work my everyday job during the week just like most people. If i want to go to a 1 on 1 presentation i will. If i want to go spea Read More...
Concerning Brownie43 comments Aug 23, 2007 08:25 PM: Look at RYTHM foundation wed site and see what they do. And a few of u have stated about how money is moving out of the country or something like that. Can i just say that when there is a business, people buy goods and services from that bus Read More...
Rated on socialservice's review
Commented on socialservice's review
How does this review make 'Gold Quest is not good for anyone but few upliners' very very not useful. Thanks
So I can see that none of u can read, amitflu, u say that I’m closed minded, tell me why, DISCUSS your points and don’t try and scream them at everybody, it not helping nobody. You said that and I Quote “Questnet is a business for closed minded people who wants to get fast money” Like I’v stated I h Read More...
Rated on notforpessimist's review
Commented on chipsnchops's review
To anyone who cares to listen, I'm not going to tell u I have made a million dollars in my first 9 month or my first year, I'm not going to try and convince u that QN is the best network marketing business around, i m just going to say what i know and let u make up ur mind. The last comment posted w Read More...
Rated on chipsnchops's review
Rated on STAUNK's review
Commented on Goldquest_is_scam's review
I agree Antonmax, Have as much fun as you want
Goldquest_is_scam tell me y u think that Malaysians are all scamsters, or even any one that has an affiliation with these businesses. And I only ask because all of your previous attempts were wrong and you still haven't proven to anybody that this is a scam. And antonmax sorry to say buddy but you c Read More...
After contacting quest during the week, i have found out that the business with the directors getting arrested wasn't to do with quest or the directors. It was a jerk that had a personal vendetta on Vijayeswaran Vijayaratnam, so he disided to call the cops and you know the rest apart from the fact t Read More...
Hey ladies and gentlemen I’m back to finish my comments from before, but I have just read the comments that smart_ass_101 had posted, and I believe there’s nothing more to say, he has hit the nail on the head. So with that said smart_ass_101 if you want information on how to join you can e-mail me a Read More...
Excuse me 'Goldquest_is_scam' were do u get off posting these comment on how scam artist cheat people and then direct it at Quest/ Goldquest and qatana. You review has no real connection to or with these business so stop making them look bad. For example u have step on how a con artist “identifies y Read More...
Rated on Goldquest_is_scam's review
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