Might sound exaggeration to the one who has seen this movie.
As ironic as this might be but this movie has surely not been seen by majority of the indian audiences. Dismissed as an slow paced dreary art film which this movie is certainly not.
Its a pity Basu Bhatacharya son https://imdb.com/name/nm0080345/ Aditya Bhatacharya could only but direct just one hindi movie https://imdb.com/name/nm1023986/
This movie creates a very dark ambience ..somewhat surreal..which only Santosh Sivan (yup this is his forst movie as cinematographer) & the haunting backgroundscore of Ranjit barot could. The movie almost seems black & white.
The story is bascially a vendetta saga aamir khans girlfriend supriya pathak is gangraped & he takes help of a cop pankaj kapur to get rid of the perpetrators.
Aamir performance in this movie is his best yet. Pankaj kapur is brilliant as always.
I belive aditya bhattacharya directed a couple of music videos of color blind... Those were aired by channel v a few times
Its a pity that movies like these arent screend on satellite channels as often as they should ..I mean they can show the crappiest of sadistic movies where suniel shetty beats the hell out of some guy ..but they wont have movies like these.
I wish I could get hold of the DVD of this movie subtitle it & put it up for grabs on IRC so that many people could watch & appreciate good cinema.