Rave. Thats the name of the magazine. When I first heard of it I thought of the obvious things associated with the word Rave. The press ad really interested me . It said Where Life and Art meet. Sounded cool. I waited for it to come out , Yessssss! Buying this mag was one the best things that I did. Anyway enough talk, time for the magazine.
This magazine is the right magazine for the lover of art, whether you think art includes Britney, Metallica, Lataji, Naushad, The Backstreet Boys , Linkin Park or Gautam Radhyaksha. No its not a magazine that discusses the metaphors in Deep Purple’s lyrics and its repercussions on world peace. It is a magazine that reports and analyses anything that entertains us. You will not find the usual boy band hater articles. Respect is given to all forms of art. So if you think Amrita Arora is cute, yes, the first issue carried an interview with her. If you think of the guitar as your girlfriend (or boyfriend) then you can read the article on how the guitar has been used in the ever-changing sounds of rock. And yes those of you with a desire to know a little more can read the articles explaining the basics of both western and Indian classical. I could go on.
The magazine has covered something for everyone, photography, celebs, pop, painting even recipes for mummy. The writers really know their stuff unlike some of the persons we see on TV. The writers seem to be persons genuinely interested in what they write about. And whats equally important is that they write with the least tendency to bring down another form of art or entertainer. So even if you secretly adore Steps, Boy Bands or Govinda you can still read this magazine.(I like Govinda and The Backstreet Boys by the way) What about layout and design. Well Im not an expert on that but to put it very crudely there are so many pictures to look at. Paintings, entertainers, photographs of photographs. Easy to read text, full colour and seemingly good paper quality. Finally the price. RS 40.and I think its totally paisa vasool. This is the first time I’m seriously thinking of subscribing. I’m waiting for the third issue to see if I still love it. So if you want to know the latest gossip about the stars, buy a Bollywood magazine. This magazine is about entertainment with with the right proportion of brains. Check It out, give it a try.
Pssst…………just something else that might interest you. Rave was the official magazine for the Roger Waters In The Flesh” Concert in India. For a magazine that’s just two issues old its a wonder how they were able to do it. Either they are really good or they have great contacts. Either way, for me personally, this is THE mag. Enjoy!