Its difficult this web hosting and businessmail thing.
I know what you are going through(Please make me feel happy that I am claiming to know something after all these days)
Coming to the point.
There are cheaper and much much better service providers available who give you much more than rediffmailprop does.Period.
Your domain names must not cost you more than 12 US $/yr.Thats only abt the domain name.While you can use email forwarding for free (It will work for a while until your business - if thats what I think you are upto - picks up!)
And if you want the business mail thing.You must not shell out more than 20 US $ per year.or perhaps much less.
You can take a look at the worlds best webhosting companies and web sulution providers at .
Pss.t..psst..Kindly chuck Indian Companies(Save time..i did the homework..they are devilishly costly)
Voila!Explore.Find and live happy ever after.