If you are a person who dont mind losing a few rupees upon shopping,
then please dont read further, it wouldnt make sense to you.
Facts about Reliance Fresh that I personally observed:
The weight of sabzis is slightly different at the bill counter and
pick up tray(the former is slightly more, which means you pay more
than what you thought youll have to, even by a few paise).
- Some products are always on the verge of expiry. BETTER CHECK THE EXPIRY dates before you buy anything. If expiry date is not clearly mentioned, then check the Mfg. date and look for Best Before period.
Check out the MRPs. I was once forced to buy a Moingrams bread(printed
MRP of Rs.7.00) for Rs.14.00. WHen I argued that they cannot sell
anything beyond the printed MRP, the stores manager(Mr. Trivedi, of
Mehdipatnam branch) disgustingly asked me to take it or leave it. I
complained at https://core.nic.in about this and am yet to hear back from
upload the scanned image of the bill but unfortunately lost the bread
cover. You can anyway go to any stores near you and pick up
"Moingrams Milk Bread 200g" if it is available and see the printed
price for yourself.
- Most of the times, most of the veggies are_NOT_ fresh. I spend good amount of time hand-picking good ones(esp. fruits).
This is from me. Im sure there are people with good experiences, but somehow I was unfortunate.