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Andhra Pradesh
Member Since:Oct 11, 2004
0 MS Points
I am a simple person with simple principles. I only do what I love, both professionally and personally. I enjoy music and books, apart from programming and teaching. Im interested in a lot many things. To begin with Science and Nature are the ones that fascinate me the most. Embedded systems is my second passion. I love Medical Electronics, Automotive Electronics (though I can only write software for them :-) ) Novels keep me company when Im free and I mostly go for Medical Fiction and/or suspence. In sports, I love table tennis, martial arts and shooting.
About Me
Education: M.Sc.
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Forget customer service and go for another brand
Reviewed lenovo Y410 775763Q
Been a while since Ive written a product review. Here goes the review for my aunts Lenovo 3000 Y410 laptop. Looks and comfort: Silver coloured surface,Read more...
Jacob of all trades, master of none.
Reviewed Nokia 7500 Prism
Folks, I am writing a review after a long time. But I had to post this for everyones benefit. After a long debate over which phone to buy, I chose Nokia PrisRead more...
Be Very Careful here
Reviewed Reliance Fresh - Hyderabad
If you are a person who dont mind losing a few rupees upon shopping, then please dont read further, it wouldnt make sense to you. Facts about RelianceRead more...
So far so bad
Reviewed India Plaza
I recently came to know of this site through my manager. Initially it appeared very attractive and in fact, the prices for many items are very competitive. WiRead more...
Very good laptop with an Achiles' Heel
Reviewed HP Pavilion DV2046TU
I would have rated this laptop to be one of the very best ones if it had these two/three qualities: The air vents for this laptop are_Very_Foolishly_ given bRead more...
The last choice among good places
Reviewed Sparks Begumpet - Alwal - Secunderabad
Hi Buddies, Finally we made some time to visit a disco. Last time we hit a pub (Escape) and decided we needed to visit a disco. On Saturday, we were all set tRead more...
Have a good time at PH
Reviewed Pizza Hut - Adyar - Chennai
Whenever I want to have an absolutely wonderful time (be it with my family or friends), I visit Pizza Hut. Starting with the ambiance, youll love everytRead more...
Service is the best
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - Saifabad - Hyderabad
Till recently, I used to think that the Dominos promise 30 min. nahi to free is all a media hype to attract more customers, but NO, thRead more...
Neither paradise nor hell
Reviewed Escape Begumpet - Alwal - Secunderabad
Hey all, Having been busy, busy and more busy with work all the while, I finally decided its high time I need to take a tiny break. Fortunately for me one ofRead more...
Stupid Customer Service
Reviewed HSBC Visa Credit Card
Hello, After reading Haricane000s review, I promptly clicked the Write Review to post my experience with HSBC Visa credit card. Read more...
Cute Whizard
Reviewed Nokia 6610i
I used to have an 8250 until recently (it was love at first sight and I was a proud owner of the same though it did not accommodate many features). Recently, Read more...
All that glitters is not gold
Reviewed ICICI Bank
Hi all, Though this bank boasts of its greatness, I actually found it not so good. Problem Area 1: Customer Care Service (the inability to understand what tRead more...
My first experience and evaluation
Reviewed Hyderabad Central Mall - Panjagutta - Hyderabad
Hi, I recently visited the new Hyderabad Central mall that vowed to take visitors by storm and leave them an open mouth and gwaping. WRead more...
They dont want customers
Reviewed Tata Indicom Mobile Operator
Hello everyone, This is the sad (maybe its a blessing in disguise) saga of the plight of bachelors in cities. First I found a flat after a LOT of search as 9Read more...
The Best in its Class
Reviewed LG WF-S6561DN
Hardly three feet, this cute little machine works like magic on my clothes. I generally move in Heavy traffic (to and from office) and all the dust/dirt gets Read more...
Good for beginners
Reviewed Nikon Coolpix 2100 - Photographic Cameras
Hi, I own a Nikon Coolpix 2100. I asked my sister to get it from US when she was coming. Along with the standard pack, she got an additional 128MB CF card (thRead more...
A gift with love
Reviewed LG Fuzzy Nova WF-S 6610 TD
Hi, Im extremely sorry, I mistook the model number. I have not experienced this model. The model I had was LG Fuzzy Wash WF - S6561DN. I have submitted the rRead more...
Greedy/Over cautious Service Provider
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
Hello, I have been a user of Airtel for over 3 years (minus a few months when I shifted to Hutch). First Ive been as a Post Paid customer, then shiftedRead more...
What to say?
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Hi, While I am totally convinced that the Technical Aspects ofHonda unicorn 150 ccoutperform most of the (or shall I say all of the) other bikes, I was in foRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on mgacourt's review
I am unable to understand why they would want to deny information about hotels when you offered to pay from your own pocket? Oh, maybe they weren't being given commissions... ;-)
Commented on Azam.d's review
This is one of the most horrible situation people can ever be in, esp. when travelling with a family. Though, I would urge that people also verify their tickets/boarding passes thoroughly so that such problems are detected and avoided early in the journey (we all know that there are many such dumb, Read More...
Rated on Azam.d's review
Rated on caretaker's review
Commented on amitkaria619's review
Well, they don't seem to have regular non-corporate package prices in the site (or atleast I did not find them). But, I would want to give this a try. Good review here. :-)
Commented on b_kavi's review
Not meaning to be rude in anyway, I was actually laughing when I was reading the T&C points you mentioned. But on a serious note, they are here to do business and not make losses tying up with expensive saloons. It was rather immature on your part to have thought they will pamper you with a good sal Read More...
Commented on suyog's review
There goes down another airline from my list. Someone help me. I want to travel from Hyd to chicago. Now nothing seems better than british airways. Great review, loved the style.
Commented on Vonamor's article
Love thy neighbours, but dont get caught...... ;-) :-) good joke.... do post more....
Husband & Wife - Love To Do
Commented on own review
I purchased it for 10K about 3-4 years ago. You might have even better models at a lower price by now ... Have fun.
Commented on psarathis's review
Dear friend, This was precisely the same issue that I faced a few days ago. I renewed my policy one month prior to its expiry online (the biggest mistake ever) and havent heard from them till one month after its expiry. During this time I got a LOT of calls from their agents asking me to renew it Read More...
Rated on CilemaSnob's review
Rated on ayanchako's review
Rated on rohit7676's review
Commented on peccadilloguy's review
Absorb the shock my friend. I cannot agree more about customer care, atleast in India. They are nothing more than a bunch of people (CC folks, no offence meant) who are programmed to repeat the closest matching instruction / answer to anything the customer blurbs (pleads). More than 75% of them do n Read More...
Commented on boiclelayn's review
what is this review doing under Nokia 7500 Prism? I think you should post it under a different section.
I have almost stopped visiting Reliance Fresh. They did not even respond to the query on this by CORE (govt. site that you can try before approaching the consumer forum). The complaint is at: Cheers, Harsha.
Hi Sandeep, Thanks for your comment. I have indeed posted a picture of the bill but somehow it is not appearing in the photos section of this review (you can see a blank space in the photos that shows the poster as me). I am talking to Jasmine about this and will get it there ASAP. For those Read More...
Commented on nicefriend_of_u's review
Hi, The review is very good, but I cannot help disagree with one point of yours. Or, maybe the rules changed later, but they do not accept cards for anything worth less than 150 or 200 Rs. Apart from this, I also noticed a few of their unfair practices (you can read them in my review) which bot Read More...
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