I have a BPL Mobile (Mumbai) GPRS subscription and the speed it gives is many times better than Reliance India Mobile.
Even the R-Surf service that I use takes hell lot of time to open just one page. 99% of time I have to sit in front of phone screen and see Downloading or Server could be down or is not responding, while the same WAP site opens on my BPL within seconds. It is the WORST service I have ever seen. I strongly will sugggest to my friends to go for GSM and not get carried away by your FALSE CLAIMS of Reliance offering better speeds. Even the browsing using Reliance is very difficult and not at all user friendly. I am very disappointed and dissatisfied with the service. Not to mention about the LG phone getting warmer as you surf.
I hope that Reliance takes strict measures against this and IMPROVES the quality of service.