If no one has a good word to say about Reliance Mobile, how come there was such a great rush at Reliance World show rooms all over the country some weeks ago?
Yes, when they did launch the service on Dhiru Bhais birth day there were serious glitches all over the country. But they may have learnt some lessons and done some good work.
Hey folks, I myself have an AIR-TEL connection.....but hmmmm...am lookin to buy a mobile for my wife from Reliance. But I will not do so until I read some positive reviews from Mouth shut members!
Psssst. secret....I have a few folks working in Reliance Industries...not one man had a good word to say about Reliance Mobile and Mukesh Ambani.
The insider news is that Anil and Mukesh put up a united front for the public, but within the Organisation, Anil and Mukesh are competitors. Probably Anil sees an oppurtunity to finish Mukesh through this Reliance Mobile fiasco. And hey...what happened to RELIANCE BROADBAND.? Dem Reliance
dug up every road in every major city and created havoc for traffic, land line telephones, Electricity boards, municipal water services, to lay broad band cables.!
But for the sake of Reliance and the country at large, I sincerely hope that Reliance Mobile comes good...after all all subscribers of Air Tel, Idea, BSNL etc are benefitting primarily due to the ad blitz of Reliance...Kar Lo Duniyaa Mutthi Mein! Have not the rates crashed? Be a sport and give some due to Reliance!
Captain Nandu Chithis