WhyI quit Reliance Money?
Or Disadvantages of RelianceMoney…
· Comparativelytwice the delay in opening account initially. Took 20+ days.
· Inconvenientsecurity token
o Without securitytoken you can’t trade.
o It creates inconvenienceand discomfort more than security
· Poor tradingportal
o Trading portal isnot compatible with Firefox or Opera.
o In Internetexplorer(IE6/IE7/IE8), it stuck most of the time. You need to re-login againand again.
o JVM installationis also required
o Annoying pop upads
· Annoying ads viaemail also – Ad mails
· Poor customerservice
o No response toemails most of the time
o Otherwise it willtake many days to get an email response
o To email them, you need to login to very uncomfortable email account of Reliance Money Mail(Now associated with hotmail)
o No TOLL FREE Number for support. All major share brokers have tollfree no. for cust.care
o When anunauthorised tele-trade occurred in my account, theysimply said they can’t do anything on the matter.(Case ref:1606762)
· Inconsistenttariff – Always increasing
o They increasedthe AMC from Rs.50 to Rs.200, i.e. 400% increase
o Limit cardturnover limit decreased from 5 lakh to 2 lakh for PR-500. i.e. 60% increase in effective brokerage
o Rs.15 additionalcharge was introduced per trade for limit card users
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