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Member Since:May 18, 2006
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Good only for small biz with separate yr book
Reviewed Tally ERP 9
Tally is good for small businesses who can keep yearly books, i.e split companies yearly basis. But for those who cant do that, tally will become slow Read more...
Pay U Money cannot be trusted
Reviewed Payu
I made a payment through pay u money to an eCommerce website - brosskart.com believing onpaymoney assurance that they will refund my payment if meRead more...
Shopped with caution - but experience was great
Reviewed Hopscotch
I was a bit tensed while placing the order for shoe and a t-shirt due to the many negative reviews. The t-shirt was actually added in order to avail an offer.Read more...
EBay Guarantee vs other Major online seller's
Reviewed Ebay
In other major shopping sites like Amazon, if we are not satisfied with products, we can return it for a full refund. But in ebay, if the product is not satiRead more...
Why I quit Reliance Money? Or Disadvantages of RM
Reviewed Reliance Money
WhyI quit Reliance Money? Or Disadvantages of RelianceMoney… www.shaheen.50webs.com/rm.htm · Comparativelytwice the delay in opening account initially. TooRead more...
Good Service
Reviewed India Plaza
Product ordered: imate jaq phone good packing reasonable time of delivery( I ordered on wed evening via icici online and I got it delivered on saturday mornRead more...
Scenic beauty
Reviewed Kerala - General
The climate is good in half of the year. recomended places are Waynad: hilly area, natural beauty, helicopter travel is available from calicut airport. CaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Kapila_P's review
I am currently using namecheap. Thought of using hostgator as its cheaper and has india server available. Hows the service? uptime etc.
Rated on Techsavvy21's review
Rated on saiananad795's review
Rated on shashidharrajuv's review
Rated on sufalakaur's review
Commented on sandeepyadav11's review
Accent CRDI has been stopped because of a very serious problem with the engine. In between 60K to 1.1 lakh Kms mark, the engine will require a repair of 50K+. Bad luck! Can we take Hyundai to consumer court for this issue?
Rated on who_i_am's review
Commented on who_i_am's review
Didn't define different types viz. Solo, grill, convection. No comparison of different brands.
Commented on s_vishal's review
Why I quit Reliance Money? Or Disadvantages of Reliance Money… http://shaheen.50webs.com/rm.htm ? Comparatively twice the delay in opening account initially. Took 20+ days. ? Inconvenient security token o Without security token you can’t trade. o It creates inconvenience and Read More...
Commented on NPatil's review
Why I quit Reliance Money? Or Disadvantages of Reliance Money… · Comparatively twice the delay in opening account initially. Took 20+ days. · Inconvenient security token o Without security token you can’t trade. o It creates inconvenience and discomfort more than s Read More...
Commented on reporter_story's review
which is gud then? reliance money is really worse? geojit doesn't offer streaming quotes for basic account
Commented on dilip_tripathi's review
my 3228's motherboard also replaced 3 times The issue is with the thermal design of the laptop and geforce chipset. Its in the nvidia official site also.
Commented on atozsupermarket's review
2 of the technical problems I am facing has been said by coolboy007
Rated on atozsupermarket's review
reliance money is not upto mark. Their site experiences problems often, especiall instatrade. You won't get appropriate and comprehensive responses from their cust.care. Its true that they are offering the lowest brokerage and I jumped into it because of that. But on the other hand service is not gu Read More...
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