There is 100% deliquency in all the aspects including customer support , quotes and each and everything.
Its 9 months and I havent yet received my trading terminal nor my welcome kit. every time u call these people they just do not know anything. most of their employees with whom you might have spoken , have already left the company the next time you call up. so ur again back to square one.
wasted loads of time and money on it. apart from that every Sunday they are on maintenance and you cannot even see ur account.
even other than that there website has a nice look on the front but as soon as u go a bit deeper its totally crap. 80% of the pages dont load correctly and many times ur information is totallly lost . and to my delight even those people are not aware of it.
have made around 100 calls till now for the address change but they are yet not able to get me the form, from the past 8 months its just call and nothing else
u dont get any tips as they promised and many of the ipos are not there in their website to bid for...
be aware of this company dont even think of going for it, if ur really interested in not wasting ur money.