So there I was in the middle of nowhere, aka upstate NY, driving with a pal at midnight, and what do we see. The flourescent lights of Ye Ole Multiplex. Why did we pick this lousy excuse of celluloid? Because it was either this or some movie claiming to mock teen movies. The trailer seemed OK before seeing the movie, but once I thought about how irrevelant it was to RICWB, the only thing I could do was warn others. Its about the time RICWB should be released on video, so beware. This movie, contrary to the trailer, is not about the feminine version of I AM SAM, the trials and joys of being a working mom, or the movie that finally proves Drew Barrymore can carry a movie without the help of two better looking actresses.
Instead RICWB is a movie that cant remember whether its a comedy and/or drama or a movie that you can turn your brain off when watching....The only good acting was demonstrated by the wasted talent of James Woods, Brittany Murphy (remember the girl that says, Ill never tell.. like a psycho-- yep thats her), and the talented Steve Zahn. Unfortunately, at most those fine actors are only in about 1/4 of the movie..
The much hyped transformation of Drew from teen to 30 something was... unnoticeable with all the melodramatic acting she does (suggestion for a good Drew movie- Never Been Kissed). Much more noteworthy is the ageing of Steve Zahns character Ray.
As much as you want to hate Ray, you cant because you feel like hes just having a bad... well life.
If you do see this, just remember, you have a stop button, dont be afraid to use it.