Review :
Hi this time its about the sereniest and holiest place one can ever imagine Its called badrinath. Badrinath means lord of badri ppl who are not aware about these terminology badri stand for atree.
Its a shrine of badri husband . Lord vishnu of famous hindu trinity and his wife lakshmiji r known by various names and one of then is badri for laksmiji and badrinath fo husband of badri..there are lot of intresting stories associated with this temple which I will talk about later..But one thing I wanted to say.if god ever resided and he could of thought of a place to make his home it has to be badrinath and the entire uttranchal range called a devbhumi in hindi..meaning land of gods and to realize how true this is u have to visit thi splace....
Well it all started when I decided to take a brk offmy office and decide to go to a ski resort near badrinath called auli. I was misguided by a frn of mine that u can reach to auli very fast within three to four hours via dehradun..but that was not true and as fate would have it .. I had taken limited off from my office keepingthis shortcut in my mind. and instead of reaching auli we reached badrinath may be unknown force of god dragged us there ... I am deviating ..let me get back to Badrinath:
Located in chamoli district of uuttranchal india I sistuated with in himlayan range ... route : very very treachrous as per my standards I am bit scared about travelling in hills that too when I am not driving but very very very very ..........upto infinity scenic delhi -rishikesh_rudraparaya -joshimath and thenm to badrinath..its about 700 km from delhi....
Transport : very wellconnected ucan take private run buses to state transport buses but would recoomend private luxury buses frm any tour operator or if u r adventrous like me u can travel via buses not opting for a regular tour...i travelled via dehradoon haridawar karanprayag rudraparaag joshimath spending a night there then to badrinath next day.
Hotels : u will find good hotel both at joshimath and badrinath as it is prime destination for pilgrim in india ranging from rs 100 to rs 1000 but prices may vary during peak season that starts in may and last till august or late september Food : quality is okie lot of dhaba and good restraunts but no non veg is served in badrinath as it is a holy place ..
People : now that the most amazing part of entire trip most beautiful ppl in world with heart of gold .. u r completely free fromtension of touts and other criminal minded ppl ...made lot of good frnd who extended their courtsey toi us in an unimaginable manner guy named kaushal left his shop and gave us a tour of allnearby places and told us about local culture various tales, festival associated with shrine ...
Nearby places to visit : mana village last village of india, vasudhara fall, bhim shila a rock sarawati river .. well for most of ppl not aware of hindu mythology I must say all these places are worth enough to visit only for there scenice beauty..
Food speciality : though I didnt have had time to check local menu but heard that tea with ghee is very very tasty ....
Temperature: would recommend light wollen in summer season as it getreally cold during night.
Well enough of information now let artist in my heatt describe the place to you .... first thing u notice once u reach to badrinath sudden change in temp. a small valley surrounded by two mountains ....called as nar and narayan.. u will find cows garzinh onhills beautiful ppl and a river flowing with such a rage and creating maddening sound like fury of nature at full force..but its amzinghly beautiful sound which makes u realize how close and near to god you are...well could have written more but my office timing are over so will have to leave bye .............but now I understand that why my momma after coming frm her trip frm badrinath could never ever get over withthat trip and belive me same would happen to you ..thats my gurantee.