I bought a Royal Enfield 350cc Std 2 years back(a second hand bike) and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I previously was riding a HH CBZ for a few months, to gain the skills required for riding motorcycles.
I have driven many indian motorcycles(pulsar, karizma, old CBZ, pulsar 220, caliber.) but the bullet is one bike which thrills me every time I ride it. The ride, stability, pick up, handling is all perfect even though the basic design is some 50years old! I am a firm believer that this is the safest bike one can buy in india thanks to its solid weight, large wheelbase, and big tyres. To drive a bullet for the first time is one experience you will never forget and will almost always leave with a desire to buy your own!
Although many people are adamant that the bullet is a pain to start, unreliable, heavy, tiresome etc etc, one has to understand that the Bullet must become your own, it is really like a living thing, and responds to how you treat her. Service her regularly, dont be too rough, keep her clean, ride in the proper manner and she will as reliable as any of your Jap bikes but more pleasurable:)
The bullet I have to say, for heavy traffic & city congestion it may not be the greatest bike although certainly capable, since I feel the bike is best suited for the open road where you can really open her up, feeling the wind on your face, and the motor purring away beneath you. Long distance driving is most comfortable on a bullet, and hours will pass before you get really sore.
Another thing is that maintanence bills can add up from small things as you really need to have everything in perfect condition. As for fuel economy, you cant feed a tiger from the same plate as a cat, so please dont compare Bullet with 100cc plastic bikes. The real bullet is a cast-iron engine monster so put your daddys shoes on before you ride;)
If you really have interest in a bullet and have the patience to learn the art of starting it etc then you really should look into buying one as you really will never regret it.
p.s Feel free to PM me if you have any further qus & remember ride safe