I own a 1992 model standard bullet. And I am a real bike lover to be particular I am an exclusive bullet lover. I got this bike from my elder brother who bought it brand new 13 years ago. But even today I love it like it was new. Thats the only reason I am not selling it even with continuous pressure from my parents.
From what I know I recommend bullet only to those who are biking lovers, with lot of patience , money and time at their disposal.
A bullet owner should take care of his bullet like it was his own family member.
like I told my bike has been with my family for 13 long years and it doesnt still require an engine repair. I had never had to even replace the piston.And even now I get an average of 35Km/litre mileage. To many people this statement would be surprising and unbelievable. The only reason for my bullet being in excellent condition is because I and my brother takes excellent care of it.
How to take care of a bullet:
1)Never ignore a single sound that the bike develops like from the chain or from the engine etc. immediately take it to a workshop and get it fixed. Coz such small noises could always lead to real big problems later.
2) Give your bullet a water service atleast every 1 month.
3) Even in good condition give a complete checkup now and then.
4) get your bullet repaired from the same mechanic every time coz the repair would be best if the mechanic is familiar to that bike.But make sure the mechanic knows what he is doing. So stand by your bike when I t is getting repaired so that even u get an idea of the different problems and its solutions.This is effective to avoid any breakdowns.
5) Check the battery water level very often coz if ur bike runs on low battery level it will develop engine problems.
6) regularly change your engine oil with branded ones.
7) keep ur speed below 60kms or below 50kms for best result from ur bike. this is a very important factor for bullet. Even thought bullet has got great power and pulling over straining the engine would be very harmful and you will get to know the after effects very soon.
8) dont over tight breaks or chain coz it will either get jammed or break.
9) check the tire air pressure.
10) Take care of any petrol or oil leaks immediately
11) Change Air filters regularly
12) Remove and clean the carburettor atleast every year.
well thats about it.........i guess.
The things I love about my bullet :
Extremely comfortable. you could ride all day without getting a back ache provided your suspension is rightly adjusted and your seat is a good one.
the power is unbeatable. but like I said I never go above 60kms at any condition.
I normally keep it at 40kms.
The sound oooooooohhhhhhhh I just cannot stop loving that soft slow thumping.
The balance is just not comparable. it wouldnt make a difference whether u r riding alone or with 2 guys at your back.
the spare parts are the cheapest.
the most sturdiest bike in India. its made of solid metal.
The things I am not so cool with about my bike
mine is a 6Volt wiring system and the battery always leaks when put in side stand after a ride.
As the chain is exposed when newly oiled it will spray on your pants.
Ofcourse low mileage.
The bike needs frequent parts replacement. like small gears and nuts and lights and small pins inside the carb. and stuffs like that.
Engine trouble is the one thing every one is scared about in a bullet. I havent had mine yet.
the gear shift is very tough. hope the new ones have better gear shifts.
you got to spend a lot to pay your mechanic.
So like I said Bullet is a bike for those with lot of time, money and love for bike at their disposal.
Those looking for fuel efficiency and economy look away from the Royal Enfield.
i hope the information I have shared proves useful to all. All of it is truly and directly from my own experience and no where else so every point is completely trust worthy.