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Member Since:Oct 18, 2005
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Education: B.Tech (Electronics)
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Scorpio...........indeed nothing else will dooo..
Reviewed Mahindra Scorpio CRDE
Mine is an amber red 8 seater Scorpio(CRDe) SLX. Mine was the first vehicle with this colour in trivandrum. A lot of people used to think amber red is a bad cRead more...
Safer ATM visits!!!
Reviewed Tips for Using ATM Machine
HI I am Anand and I would like to share with you a few informative non-technical, personel tips on how to be safe when using ATMs .These tips are straight froRead more...
Tips for ur 6600 performance
Reviewed General Tips on Cell Phones
you skip this review and you are the one who is going to regret Hi I am Anand. I am a very proud owner and lover of NOKIA 6600.I would like to share with allRead more...
Reviewed Nokia 6600
Buying Front Loader-reconsider
Reviewed Choosing a Washing Machine
Hi I am Anand from Trivandrum,Kerala. This is a product review on my Fully automatic Brand New Siemens Front loader Washing Machine (Imported). Capacity is 5.Read more...
The royalty of the bullet
Reviewed Royal Enfield Classic 350
I own a 1992 model standard bullet. And I am a real bike lover to be particular I am an exclusive bullet lover. I got this bike from my elder brother who bougRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on pritamshetty's review
From: pritamshetty Date: Mar-20-07 08:15 AM Subject: a.s hole This guy seems to have some serious issues....... Its my privilege to write what i feel about any vehicle. You dont even figure in a rats a_s to tell me what to do. The scorpio is a crap vehicle and I will jolly well sa Read More...
Rated on girishrangan's review
Rated on ramsubra's review
Rated on binooplal's review
Rated on pritamshetty's review
i dont understand how someone would write so many lies in a place where people trust one another but i think i understand ur idea. you just trying to make others look like a fool arent you..... i can counter your every point simply because i own a scorpio and i have been driving it for a while and Read More...
Rated on stuff.crazy's review
Followed stuff.crazy
Rated on jennythedog's review
Rated on deepakalur's review
Rated on ryanfernandes's review
Followed chavanni
Commented on arunvasudevan's review
hey you are wrong about one thing. u know if you come and visit kerala some time, most of the bullet riders are above 50yrs and they ride it like a piece of cake. Bullet is the easiest to ride if you are used to it. But the only problem would be the weight handling when you are not moving.
Rated on Cousin2's review
Rated on jerry_mouse's review
Commented on sonata_jeeta's review
hey ur review was worth reading coz it was straight from the heart. Most of the Hindi movies are made to just make money and not to make point. One will loose all his logic sense by watching one.Thats why i like watching good english movies.
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