Science meets supernatural is the theme of the movie
jaani dushman meets boom is the movie itself
bhuria(shetty) is a labour contractor in the archeological site of yala in lanka
oneday he gets his hands on a statue of a demon said to be the god of demons
the demons grants him the rudraksh of lankan dictator god ravan a demon
himself , although bhuria gets the rudraksh he cant use it totally so he needs
someone who can be his partner and posses the rudraksh completely.and rule
the world with him
varun(dutt)is a healer by day and bouncer by night is helping gayatri(basu) with her their paths collide and the battle of good vs evil is what rudraksh is
sanjay dutt and suniel shetty play the two main characters and they sleepwalk through them, bips is as bad as ever and isha ha no such roleand guest appearence by dumbledore oops kabir bedi will make you laugh for sure
music is much better to hear on cd rather than to watch on screen but the background chant of rudrakhsham is quiet haunting and good
editing is bad , cinematography wherever present is good(its completely taken over by shoddy SFX) , screenplay is absent it goes directly form abc to xyz , story although interesting is really very badly narrated, and the much talked about visual effects hmmm... designed by mani shankar himself ranges from gorgeously good to absolute crap .almost all scenes have some types of sfx used in them which gets to u as they are not great.
haunting background score
some nice SFX
interesting plot
plot presented in the worst way possible
screenplay is absent
mostly shoddy SFX
lack of proper characterization
wacky imagination- girl entering apache helicopter for sake of travelling whereas even indian army dosent have it
cant mix science and the supernatural
too much mumbo jumbo
many many more ......
will the movie work ?
no the classes have seen much better movies and the masses wont understand it
mani shankar must really work hard on his storytelling to really make a good movie instead of working too much on the technical aspect , we have to wait for his next movie tango charlie(based on the bangladesh war) to really see if hes improved
p.s: rudraksh means the tears of lord shiva, the only place you will see tears is in the eyes of the producers & distributors of the film along with the audience