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Member Since:Jul 12, 2002
0 MS Points
had many childhood ambitions ,none was sucessfull,started thinking if i was a loser ,still trying to find the answer to that . nothing interests me for long although i was interested in her she was not interested
About Me
Education: student
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Reviewed Ten Best Hindi Movies
This is my top ten list might not be liked by everyone but if I like it, then shouldI really care. These are not in any order; KAANTE Many might not agree wRead more...
Y for Yuva, Y for Yahoo
Reviewed Yuva Songs
YUVA comes right after critically acclaimed meenaxi which didnt sell as well it should. PersonallyI think meenaxi wasnt all that great except 2-3 Read more...
Not 10 but 12
Reviewed Ten Best PC Games
12) BLACK AND WHITE Ever dreamed of playing God? Then this is your chance its semi strategy semi rpg but its full fun. From raising your pet creature to beinRead more...
Rudraksh is bakwaas
Reviewed Rudraksh
Science meets supernatural is the theme of the movie jaani dushman meets boom is the movie itself PLOT bhuria(shetty) is a labour contractor in the archeolRead more...
The scorpion king
Reviewed Mahindra Scorpio
Review : M & M scorpio is a pleasant surprise from a company known for its ruggedness. Lets look at the features of the scorpio one by one UNDER THE BONNET Read more...
Your new partner
Reviewed Nokia 6600
THE POWER OF IMAGINATION --------------------------------------- 6600 is the third phone from nokia in the series 60 platform or the smartphones as nokia lRead more...
Reviewed Samsung SGH T100
The samsung sgh t100 or also calles as the true i is easily one of the best coloured phones available at the mobile market(atleast in Read more...
It has to be the best ;)
Reviewed Hathway Broadband
I am a Worldnet user in the Vikhroli area and have got completely sick of it.Its speed sux real time I only get 2-3kbps speed even of being a broadband and thRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on pmodgill's review
wat was that revu all about dude it had nothing to do with the soundtrack
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
hi muneeb bhai nice revu there please send me an email at crapchap@gmail.com i want to talk to u personally
hey muneeb mail me at crapchap@gmail.com or else post ur id ill contact you even still we cn im at kmk128400@hotmail.com i have to discuss smthing
Followed mouthshutdotcom
Commented on sonitanya's review
oh boy oh boy oh boy !was that a review or what
Rated on alok01in's review
Commented on tasal's review
hey mate you might not have any problems now but two more years down the line then i would like to hear an updated review from you on the same topic anywayz nice revu
Rated on tasal's review
Rated on fixxxer_in's review
Commented on aslinaqli's review
and yes he called inzy as mota which is not a good thing to do cause hes their best batsmen ;)
yes everyone should realise that sachin is playing slowly because he wants to be the last man standing but when your team needs quick runs you gotta change the attitude ,i got a slight feeling that ganguly might have had a bigger hand in declaration than rahul dravid himself
Rated on aslinaqli's review
Commented on praguhbis's review
very nice review man so now you can leave okay bye dont write ever again.
Commented on sabbatical_one's review
hey was that a review or a joke.nice idea of cheap publicity
Commented on SmoothCriminal's review
why everyone after shoaib today,you like it or not but shoaib is one of the glamour boys of international cricket in todays times.he might not have the best attitude ,but not bowl sometime (very rare) with a straight arm,might talk in a very aussie accent but he still is capable of wrecking any bat Read More...
Rated on pixelwire's review
Commented on own review
i just expressed my view no point in saying mother india is a great film without watching it .also i specified clearly in my first line of my review that it wont be everyones choice
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