Rules of self development. hmmm. Do I dare write on this topic. There are people who will say that the right path to self development would involve so-and-so steps and thats its about physical, mental health etc., . This could be true and I am not arguing about that. But on a larger scale, while looking at us as small specs of dirt in a huge universe, does all this matter? I have looked at life as an experience. I cannot fraternise with the school of thought which lays down rules and systems by which one should follow life in order to be considered as a well developed person. Lets break it down.
Physical development: One needs to be fit. Fit to be able to do his/her daily chores and fit enough not to get a cardiac arrest on climbing 2 storey buildings. You want to go trekking. are you fit enuf? now here we are adding value to the word fit, and giving it an extension. Point is each one must develop himself to his needs. If you are a couch potato and do nothing all your life and dont need to(you have chosen this mode remember) then why at all go in for yoga etc., ? be a pig and sit at home if that makes you happy.
mental fitness: how many of us arereally mentally fit. Less than 20% I would imagine. Everyone has some or the other complication and does meditation help? I dont know never tried it, but this illness dates back a long way. If your parents didnt know they correct method of raising kids considering all aspects of psychology, then there is very little you can do about it. I mean its ingrained in you that you will be a sick lech, a obnoxious idiot, a loud f*rt, a supremely confident pain in the A@#$, a under confident loser, a compulsive liar or all of the above. It depends on your upbringing and if its not correct(as it seldom is) then you are bound to have flaws and that my friend is the beauty of life. Imperfections! if everyone was the ideal man/woman then the charm of life would be lost.
Why are there so many ppl crowding gyms, beauty parlours and plastic surgeons? why are so many ppl starving to death just to lose that extra 4 kilos, and who said it was extra? why are ppl so unhappy with the way they are? I have heard that the bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor has do undergo major plastic surgery to look the way she does today. if its true I ask how has it helped? she is still the ugliest woman on the silver screen. why is everyone catering to a singlelook-good prototype? does the concept of variety no longer hold value or have I missed something somewhere? we need to address all the above questions before we can start speaking aboutself development.
I say, deal with the kind of person you are as best as you can. See what faults you can rectify and accept those that you cant. In the end its you who has to decide the kind of person you want to be after your formative years are behind you. There are some things that we cant reverse(like my cynical attitude) and there are some things we can. Its for us to weigh our priorities. We cant walk about doing something just because its the right thing to do and because everyone says so. Its about time we did things we felt like doing, looked the way we were meant to look and ate the food we always wanted to eat. we have got to STOP living someone elses life. Once we do all this and learn to be free from bonds the society puts on us, we can start on our path to self development.