I am a fan of horror flick, a BIG fan, seen em all ~~ wes craven, sam raimi, love to get spooked shall I say.
Raising cain was spine chilling terror but then again those horror flicks dont scare one enough unless one is really chicken.
What scares one most is reality.
Saathiya feels real. Too real.
Its like a story that could happen with anyone.
We all {well most of us atleast} have fallen with love with someone, that someone has been special for us. But then does there really come a time when that someone ceases to be special !! A chilling though.
Misunderstandings are a part of life & it is understood that they are bound to happen.But do you suddenly lose intrest in that someone special {momentarily maybe} after you are married is what could happen to any one of us!!
The hero of this movie is the story. Kudos to the guy who wrote it.
Vivek & Rani are spectacular in the leading roles.
Music is quite good too... . I do fell the best song of this movie was suniyo re . however it was wasted at the beginning where the movie titles come in.
The ending though is very hindimovieish & could have been done away with.. there was no need for melodrama.
However I rank this movie among my top 3 movies released in 2002. {The other two being Company & Aankhein}
Go watch this movie with your saathiya... bring a tear to your eye during the ending & watch your gf doing that choo chweet thing.
I must say in movies made on relationships between two people.. arth, aandhi, masoom, etc.. saathia can claim to be among the better ones.