Darren Shan is the author and main character. This makes sense if you read all 12 books!
Darren is just an ordinary school kid until he and his friend go to a freak show and meet a vampire. Due to fate Darrens best friend Steve gets bitten by a spider that Darren stole from one of the freaks. That certain freak was Mr. Crepsley, a vampire. The only way Darren can save Steve is if he becomes Mr. Crepsleys vampires assistant in exchange for the anti-venom. Darren agrees and fakes his own death to go and live with the vampire. Darren learns that vampires arent all like the ones you read about in books. For example they dont kill humans when they drink from them, they just take enough to sustain them, if you find any unknown scars on your body they are probably form a vampire!, they age at 1/10 of the human rate, a stake through the heart will kill them but it would kill you or me as well they can be shot etc.
This follows Darrens life as a vampire and you wont believe how the end turns out. My mum found that it was slow to start with but she couldnt stop reading! I absolutely loved it! Has to be one of the best of all times!
All of the Darren Shan books are a must read, just make sure you read them in the order!