Its a very small company. Slowly all the projects are shutting down. There is no job security. Only 1 or 2 projects left. No future. It feels like it will be closed or sold off in another 7-8 months. Couple of months back they fired a person from a project bcoz he did a mistake. No second chance. Its like if a machine is malfunctioning dont repair it just throw it. They believe in hire and fire policy. No rewards are given when you do good job. They dont have a rewards policy!. But they make sure to screw your career if you make a small mistake. They are more bothered in monitoring our break timings that putting employee friendly policy. No training policy. No retention policy.
Employees cannot go from front door, they can only login through back doors like servants. Only higher mgmt are allowed to use front door. In my whole career I have never heard of a IT company which treats its employees with such disrespect. Senior management are spineless with no vision or guts. This company specializes in hiring inefficient delivery managers and directors one after the other. They are hiring more HRs and firing employees. Cant understand if this a software company or a consultancy firm.
If we take a bit more time for tea breaks its an issue. They say its loss of productivity. But the muslim employees can take long breaks for namaz and friday prayers. Thats not loss of productivity? Why this differentiation? They must be made to work extra to compensate for the loss.
Waited enough for the company to change its policy. Now its time to move.