Over the years, I have had a very typical experience with all samsung products. One definitive conclusion is that they are NOT durable. Sure enough, they are cheaper than some of the other brands in the market. But is the price difference really worth the money you spend on their maintenance, is a question I havent been able to answer yet.
I bought Samsung Microwave C103FL, about 3 years ago. Over a period of 2 and a half years, it gave me good performance, albeit with some regular maintenance. I had to get the "keypad" and related electronic circuitry replacement 3 times during this period, bill averaging to about Rs.300/- each time.
After 2 and half years of functioning (that is 6 months ago) its heart the "magnetron" blew up. I compared the cost of its replacement with the cost of a new microwave and decided to get the magnetron replaced. the bill, Rs. 3000/- After six months of functioning, that is just recently, its transformer too blew up. The technician told me that typically when the transformer burns out, the magnetron does too. He was right. I compared the cost of repair with the cost of new microwave oven and again decided to go for repairs. Total cost: Rs.4200/-
So if I look at it I have spent almost 8100/- rupees on maintenance of a microwave that had cost me about 10, 500/-. Other better brand microwaves I have heard long for about 5 years before they meet the same fate as a samsung microwave, but they cost no less than 15000/= I expect my samsung to last for at the most another 2 years with the repair (5 years in total). So is paying 5000/- rupees more upfront better than paying 8000/- more over a period of 5 years????