I have purchased one 32" LED TV(Model NO:-32F5100) from Channel Four Agencies, Gariahat Road, Kolkata-29 on 18/05/2013 paying price of Rs.34900/-. After use of 2 Years and 3 months(22/08/2015), Only sound is coming, no display.
Raised the issue with Samsung, Engineer visited and informed that the panel is to be changed, given an estimate of almost Rs.17000 for the same. Which is almost 50% of the purchase cost. Complained to Samsung, they informed that after warranty period of one year, we cant help you. To replace the same you have to pay almost Rs.17000/-.
Dont you feel its very much on a higher side. Within 2 Years and 3 months, the life of a TV has been lost. As a manufacture, they are producing N number of electronic items for the consumers, and test their longevity which we call as life cycle.
And consumers purchase their item considering the promotion, reviews from market, various sites, where Samsung stand in the market. It’s a fact that Manufacturer provides warranty for a limited period and in this case 1 year. Do Samsung want to convey the life cycle of this TV is valid for one year or Samsung Company is manufacturing items for the warranty period only?
Discussed with them what is the normal life cycle of a Samsung LED TV, they informed me 7 years, this issue may occur due to manufacturing defects also or faulty panels attached by Samsung, which they vehemently deny. They informed that they kept promise for one year only.
I realised I had made a wrong decision while purchasing this Samsung LED TV. If it is so, any company in the market now days provides warranty for one year, then why to pay high cost and have a Samsung TV with this bitter experience.
One of the big cheater not in the ponzi market, but in the electronics market. How come Samsung expect a customer to pay so huge repair cost just because warranty period expired. Thats insane. Bitter experience. Just dont go by initial buzz made by Samsung.they will show their true colours, when things go wrong due to them. One of the worst LED TV in Indian market. Please think consciously.before making any decision for Samsung TV. Money matters.