I have been using N500 Model for near 7 months now. I was a loyal follower of Nokia Brands before this, and I when I thought of changing my mobile, I wanted to try out a different option by preferring Samsung.
But I should say, I wasnt disappointed when I first saw N500 in Samsung showroom. The cool metallic color, and sleek keypad panel, combined with blue backlit was too attracting. I immediately bought the piece for 8k.
Then I would have loved to say that we lived happily ever after, But within 3 months I started realizing the kind of problems an attracting piece may give. First, it was the Message issue. As we all are accustumed to our SMS world, I am not an exception. But the word wrap facility which I find in Nokia, is not available in Samsung. The words just break in between when we compose the message, which gives an ugly-look.
The second and major problem, is the attracting metalic color itself. Nokia brands are known for their longstanding outer color, even with metallic shade brands. But withing months Samsung N500 started responding to the wear & tear, and the metallic color was peeling off like its just a plastic wrapper. I bet, you wont like to see a mobile with colors peeled over here and there. The same is what happening with me. It looks ugly when I take the phone out, and people start questioning me how old it is. Wherein the color of Samsungs another model R220, maintains the Nokia standard. Well, I think I made a mistake by choosing Samsung N500 model.
But anywayz, the front keypad panel still looks the attracting silver polish. I hope atleast this doesnt wears out as its outer cover.