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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Apr 18, 2003
0 MS Points
Hmm.... What I could say about myself........ I am normal guy who likes to take life as it comes. I love my Software Engineering job, and ambitious, that one day I would be able to reach the top of the chart in my Software field. Mine is a big family, and enjoy being around with them all my spare time. Like to hangout with my friends and colleagues on weekends. I strongly believe in one thing that 'Whatever happens is for GOOD'. Riding, Comics, Cricket, Tennis
About Me
Education: BCS, B.Tech., MCA, PGDBA
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Imminent Death of Samsung CD-RW
Reviewed Samsung Combo SM-332 CD-RW
People, I advice you against buying Samsung CD Writer. Its been 1 and half years I had purchased this, for Rs. 1,600/-. The first year I wasnt usiRead more...
It shows the real color
Reviewed Samsung SGH - N500
I have been using N500 Model for near 7 months now. I was a loyal follower of Nokia Brands before this, and I when I thought of changing my mobile, I wanted tRead more...
The Champion
Reviewed Sachin Tendulkar
Unlike others, I wasnt glued to Cricket from my childhood. I used to see the craze by which my elder brothers were watching the matches throughout the dRead more...
Airtel really tells
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I have been holding an AirTel connection for years and years. Now after the recent boom in cellular world after the introduction of WLLs the prepaid carRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Followed nats
Rated on nats's review
Rated on falsparsh's review
Rated on kgc_cool's review
Rated on dhruv_tara's review
Commented on amit's review
Good to see a complete review about a product, to the most part of it. But, as others felt, I too feel the article is little biased towards comparing WagonR to Matiz & OMNI. Eventhough, Amit advocates it over Santro, the remarks of comparison to OMNI is quite absurd.
Rated on amit's review
Commented on Arnab_Banerji's review
Nice review Buddy!!! It really interest me to go for 6-6-0-0. Keep it up...
Rated on madlalya's review
Commented on tarantinofan's review
Well, I too agree that it was a commercially masala-mixed movie. But, the question of whether this should be a hit is little overblown. I liked the movie not for the 'manmada rasa' song', but the way the story has been told in a most common and happening style. It's the typical kind of a guy whom Read More...
Rated on puppylove's review
Rated on kansatish's review
Commented on satishkl's review
Yeap.... I agree the opionion Satishkl. The Ad was too impressive.... and it attracts me each time I see that on screen. The bottomline in both Ads were the innocent kid's activities.... Good 2 see Ads moving on to the Next Stage in the evolution
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