The samsung sgh t100 or also calles as the true i is easily one of the best coloured phones available at the mobile market(atleast in india).for starters it has a design which would make formula 1 car designers proud, its light weight , sleek and most importantly it is a fashion statement.
the biggest selling point is a colour display which is really very good, its bright , well coloured and of extremely good visual quality, its much better than the nokias one the 7210 . it has a external display (black and white )which is also very useful.then the 16 polyphonic ringtones just add some more spice to this already masala filled phone.other include 3 color games , wap service , voice dialing , voice memo etc etc.
the phone also comes packed with many accessories it comes with traditional wrist band and a very very funky neck band (u have 2 watch it 2 believe it)which has earphone attached to it , also including is a cd with 200 ringtones and 400 colour pictures and a heavy battery with a longer talktime which can be charged without the phone and cable for connecting the phone with ur pc .and some more
here are the bad points :- one things for sure samsung targeted this phone at the outgoing youth rather than for people trying it for a professional use , but thats the bad thing cause when they targeted it as a fashion statement they missed a couple of things one is definetly the radio which comes built in with many nokia phones nowadays , then the MMS , which really hurts the phone cause it has better picture quality thatn the nokia 7210 which can be used for MMS but not u cant send picture mssgs or recieve them u can only download them and set them as static or a moving screensaver.and yes there is no GPRS as well .
so if u belong to the new generation and dont worry about the functions and keep the mobile as just another fashion accessory this is just the thing for u .you absolutely shouldnt miss this one.