Product wise it may be good. But there is virtually no after sale service for Samsung AC in India. People are innocent to buy their products. They do not have company service stations. Only franchise. Service is very expensive and Company does not have any control over them.
What is the use? I have had a very bad experience of Samsung. There is no way we can complain. I begged for service but no success. If you want to beg for service, please buy Samsung AC! They never care for our feedback. If interested, I will write my detailed experience. I spoke to many people and they are of same opinion. Why is Samsung still in India?
My further experience, Samsung does not have their Service Center. They depend on Franchises only. If after sales service is bad, especially for AC, no need to buy it. I am warning prospective buyers, please do not buy Samsung Split AC. We are not so rich to buy a new one every three years. I live in Hyderabad which has excellent weather. Why coils are getting corroded? That speaks volumes about the quality of materials.