Hello Friends,
This is really a good phone which I have never seen in touch.
Interfaceis really and we can easily operate with the fingers.i will tell you teh reason.Normally in touch phones, its very difficult to type the messags with the fingers, everbody shoud accept for this, But in this phone you can type the message with fingers its self.you no need to carry the stick with you, Actually we dont hvae in built stikc for this phone you hvae to carry separetly, but no need to use the stick you know, I have not seen the demo before buyng, Just saw small vidoe in You tube Then I have decided to buy, The mail advantage of this phone is it has tilting facillity for both images and while browing also
Main advatage of this phone is tak time, i am getting it for 2days guys, do you believe this, yes samsung is back.
its really worth phone I just baught it for 9650 from Mobile store.I am really enjoying with this phone.I have seen some -ve feed back about this phone But I want to give the the explanatin about those negative points.One guy that switching on the speaker phone is very diffcult as he is comparing with the othe phones like nokia and samsung.One we get the call and respond, then phone will be locked while talking you need to unlock and then go to speaker phone, you need to do only that.becaus there migh be some pressing while talking as its touch screen so that why they have provided this.i don t think its difficult to unlock the phone press speaker phone button.
One guy said that while operating the phone its very slow.its not like that my phone is working very fast, i might hvae loaded more dta in the phone memory, just check it.some times it go slow when we load more data in phone memoery.you can move to memory card.
They have given separate panel with covering the main screen, they have given this apart from the single panel.single panel cover only the back side and ths double panel covers includin the front screen its nothgn but leather pouch.you wil understand whne you see it in real.They have given one widget settings option its really good, you can put shortcuts on the screen,
Calculator, alarms, etc are really good,
its really worth for 9600rs.
Share with me in case if you need any hleop regarding this phone