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Member Since:Jun 25, 2009
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Excelent phone which i have never seen in touch
Reviewed Samsung Star S5233
Hello Friends, This is really a good phone which I have never seen in touch. Interfaceis really and we can easily operate with the fingers.i will tell you tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on apdogra's review
Commented on own review
Hi Ubasan, I have never faced this prb, You might hve loaded more songs or memord might be fully loaded, Thesre are the general reasong for running the player or cell slow..chek it
yes man..we have conff facility but i dont think we can chk the messages when we r on call..i hve chked it..picture quality is nto good in night time,,,you cannot take the picture on the night time..no clairty..guys can anybdy help on his quesion
hello parthrox...this phone is good boss..u can buy it,,see the reviews and buy it,,u no need to worry
Hi Quest Buster,,Even I have faced the same prob..when you attach the photo to the contact it will automatically shown in the photo contacts,,if u still not able to see those,,then move the photo frmo memory card to phone memory then u wil be able to see those in photo contacts
hello friends..need small help,,can any bdy tell me how can a download games for this mobiel star 5233..i have dowloaded one game in my laptop but its wrking with laptop but hw to get the same game for my mobie..am interested for car games,.,can anybyd help on this or snd me the link
hey u might be stored more data in ur memory card some time it will wrk ver slowly when u connect to blue tooth,,it might be but not sure yaar
i am not sure yaar but ihave one software called Video converter..i am able to convert any of the file in to mp4
Rated on mauti's review
Commented on mauti's review
sound loundnss is really good battery performacne is really good for this phone compare to nokia,,samsung is not like earlier,,man Anyhow i have tested it.its really good.. Browser is also good as he said its not good... Only disadvantage is flash is not thre and games or not good.. Read More...
Commented on amateur_reviewer's review
hey Sidz Flash facility is thre with 3G mobile,,but it dont have,,anyhow the above review was excellent.as i thaught of mentioning the same things fromo my side
Hi Ayusania..I am able to convert the videos from anyformat to mpe4.its working in Mobile now..hey guys,,do u have any idea like how to store the data in memory card in this mobile,,because when iever i am copynig the data ,,its copying to phone memory,,anybody knows how to store the data default in Read More...
no idea yaar..even i need to try for that let me convert some files today and i wil let u know asap
No the price of this mobiel is Rs/- 9650.Try to go to Mobile store as i baught it in Mobile store Chennai
boss, I realy dont know anything about this site,,just want to put some reveiw i have put it,,and anwering all the questions which you guys aer mentioning here..i dont knw where i hve put this 'No'
we have conff facility,,music is also good but dont compare with sony eirccson walk man series,,but its good,,music output is also good in speakers..camera is not much clarity...in night times
Sorry If i have mentioned 3prices,I bought it for Rs.9650.This phone does nt have Fm recording..as you have it in china mobile,,We have everthing in china mobile i know ..Cmnig to the third point..for recharging from nil to full battery it will take 70 to 90mins.. Guys one more thing is the pi Read More...
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