If you had any offer for mobiles or for that matter any other product at Sangeetha Mobiles, you can take my word for it, that you would be left with a bad taste in your mouth and would vow never to buy any product ever from Sangeetha.
I bought a Blackberry curve from Sangeetha mobiles with an offer of free subscription of Business Today for 2 years(sponsored by India today). Its been 200 days as of now and I have made around 20-30 phone calls, written around 20 e-mails and visited their shop some 5 times - but have not got my offer.
Equally irresponsible have been the behavior of the Blackberry Wholesale Distributor, M/s Chouhan Enterprises - who have blackly told me that they hav enothing to do with it and are just the middlemen. The India today groups response has been very discouraging also and they have told that they have not received any gift voucher although I do have a counterfoil and have shared it with them.
I have told upteen times that they are looking into it but I think those are just lip services by them. It is very clear that customer service is the last thing in their mind.
I am simply aghast at the lukewarm response or rather the lack of it.
I would not stop short of calling it fraud / consumer deceit, and am seriously contemplating the thought of taking all the parties to consumer court. The sheer idea of being taken for a ride by such organizations is an embarrasment in itself.
Please be aware of any such offers from Sangeetha Mobiles in the future!
Sangeetha Mobiles+ Blackberry Distributor+ India today group= Frustration+ Deceit!