SARKAR is one of the most anticipated films of the year bcoz it stars the Big B, Junior B and directed by Ramgopal Varma who has given us meaningful, realistic cinema like Shiva, Rangeela, Satya, Company.All the above mentioned films have been hits and expectations r high 4rm Ramu as SARKAR tackles the same genre of cinema.
Lets c how SARKAR has fared......
Subhash Nagre(Amitji) is a one man army with people willing 2 lay down their lives 4 him.He is a messiah of the poor.He controls everything in Mumbai even the govt.He has his own morals & ethics but his way of punishing the guilty is not restricted 2 the law.
Vishnu(Kay Kay) and Shankar(Abhishek Bachchan) r his sons.Shankar has just returned from the States while Vishnu is a film producer.
Rashid(Zakir), Vishram, Swamy, Selvamani plan 2 eliminate Sarkar as he
doesnt allow them 2 run their anti-social racket thus leading to huge losses 4 them.They join hands with Vishnu who has been thrown out of the house by Sarkar as he exercised his power in a wrong way .Vishu is hungry 4 revenge.
I think I have given away 2 much and 4 the rest u must watch the movie!!!
Amitji is as usual excellent .He towers above the rest of the cast.Abhishek gets to deliver his histronics in the post interval portions and he handles his scenes very well. Me thinks he is much btter in SARKAR than in BnB with Amitji.
-----KK(Vishnu) is a powerful actor who speaks thru his eyes.Great performance.
-----Zakir(Rashid) is good as the villanous character and u will instantly want to hate him.
-----Kota Srinivas Rao(Selvamani) is a well known Telugu actor and acted very well.The humor in the movie comes 4rm him .
-----Katrina Kaif(Puja) has come a long way since her BOOM days and looking & acting much better.(Salman seems to have helped:)).Tanisha, Supriya Pathak have minor roles and they portray them with coviction.
-----A special mention here for Chander(thats his screen name.I dunno his real name)acting as Sarkars trusted lieutenant who has acted brilliantly.
The background score by Amar Mohile is superb especially the chants of Govinda Govinda which is haunting .The chants of Govinda... lives with u well after uve seen the movie.The dialogues r realistic and some scenes b/w father & sons(both KK and Ahishek) r 2222 good with excellent dialogues.It shows a man so powerful on the outside can b weak at the inside.
The only negatives abt Sarkar if u can call it that is 2 many of the Gangster, underworld flicks in the recent times.D being an example.
All in all an excellent movie .Go for it.Dont miss it!!!!
PS-The movie is inspired 4rm THE GODFATHER by Mario Puzo.I havent read it but plan 2 soon.
Plz post u r comments.:)