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Andhra Pradesh
Member Since:Apr 10, 2005
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The SARKAR of all movies
Reviewed Sarkar
SARKAR is one of the most anticipated films of the year bcoz it stars the Big B,Junior B and directed by Ramgopal Varma who has given us meaningful,realistic Read more...
Parineeta is a
Reviewed Parineeta
PARINEETA....The burden of expectation.A producer whose last movie was a super hit and was even copied by Hollywood(Whew thats a welcome change),an admRead more...
TV serials aur hum
Reviewed Five Best Serials of the Year
Thsi is my 3 review in 3 days.I think it is better to develop u r writing skills rather than sitting in front of the TV all day.What say???? THE BARead more...
Manali-In the cradle of Mother Nature
Reviewed Manali
Manali is a hill station situated in Himachal Pradesh at the height of 6500 ft above sea level.I went 2 Manali in the peak summer season of May to escape the Read more...
Reviewed Bunty Aur Babli
If u r wondering who is Pappu then plz watch the movie .Since u have reached here anyways read on!! I’m back from my holidays and was lookin forward 2 Read more...
Lucky may be lucky at th B.O.
Reviewed Lucky - Bollywood
Lucky is an above average flick which is very classy considering the recent Bollywood releases .Though this film may not be liked by the masses(no item song,nRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Cticize's review
Rated on varungrover's review
Commented on karanzz's review
I saw the movie and its a great movie.Nice review but plz correct the mistakes which r given below .Vishnu & Shankar r the sons of Subhash Nagre. Keep writing
Commented on own review
thanx 4 the advice.Will try 2 improve further. One improves by writing more & more.Int it????:) Cheers
Commented on cool_kool's review
I watched the movie and it was exceelnt anot like u had mentioned in u r review.I have also written a review 4 Sarkar.Amitji is wonderfulin the movie.No other actor could have portrayed Sarkar as he has done.
Commented on amjad_maruf's review
Excellent review.I think Ramgopal Varma must thank u 4 promoting his film.cing u r review i am gonna c the movie tom.
Followed amjad_maruf
Rated on amjad_maruf's review
thanx.Watch the movie.Its diff than the regular stuff.Watch it 4 saif and vidya balan.
thanx 4 the encouragement.Read u r profile and am really intrested 2 know abt face reading.Well it'll take time 2 catch up 2 ya!!! Cheers
u r right.Shaad ali wasnt upto his Saathiya standards . Atleast u got 2 c the teaser of 'Sallan Namaste'.Thats one adv i can think of by watching BnB.he he
thanx.The breaks in the sentences r not intended.(Was 2 careless I guess.....) LOokin 4ward 2 receiving more 4rm u.
Commented on fenil_seta's review
i think our tastes r very similar when it comes 2 bollywood.Nice review but i thought the film was not upto the mark as v r used 2 expect 4rm yashraj films.Also read my review and let me know wat u think.
Rated on rajeshrajput's review
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