Maggie Gyllenhaals character has just left an institution. She comes home to find that her mother has locked all the knives. Her father is James Woods play a drunk James Woods. She needs to get out of the house- so she goes to a typing class and applies for a secretarial position for a lawyer played by James Spader. Spader is the actor people have glossed over for stars- this film is held in Spaders palm. Mayber he will be sought after more now. Spaders lawyer doesnt believe in computers, so Gyllenhaalss secretary types on your grandmas typerwriter. Make a mistake and find yourself a masochist. What makes one persons desire or actions abnormal? Is one persons pain morph into their pleasure as well? This is a dark comedy that is meant to make these characters as vast and cavernous with detail as the Grand Canyon. Watch this movie to awe and ponder the bruises and the tendernous exhibited. Exceptional acting and and original plot. This film demands adult content and it is done in a tasteful manner. Also depicted is self mutulation that is not for the faint of heart. My previously recommended film PUNCH DRUNK LOVE is a great film to watch before this as it is a lighter dark comedy.