They say that the television screen is a mirror of what happens in society at that period of time.
er.. ohkay I agree I just made this up to sound better.
So why should one watch an ekta kapoor serial ...
Ive brought up a few points
1]If your local astrologer has suggested to you that watching serials starting with K will bring you good luck.
2]You are a housewife & simply have nothing to do in the afternoon
3]You dress up as a housewife in afternoons this case its a must watch ;-)
4]You have a fetish for designer bindis
5]To admire the furniture on the sets
6]To see a woman always in a sleveless blouses & silk sarees in perfect makeup even at the middle of the night.
7]To protest when some inane characher dies due to some inane reason.
8]To show to future film students that such mistakes will not be repeated (genuine one)
So whether is kksum or ksbkbt or some other k-story... its all the same... hell Id rather watch reruns of saddam husseins bio on history channel or watch how lions wont mate on night before full moon on NGC.