I signed up for online trading on sharekhan.com a few days before the market crash on May 12th onwards.
When the market is not open this is a great website. But what use it is if the market is not open?
Trying to use the website when the markets are open is impossible. It is so slow so slow that you can go have lunch / dinner by the time any page opens. If the shares are climbing and you are trying to get the latest price... by the time you get it (which is after 30 minutes or so) the prices would have gone up by 10%....you can then click on the buy button and then go to sleep. When you wake up... it will just about be done. You would be lucky to buy/sell just one script in a day on sharekhan.com
Yes I use a 64Kbps dialup (gives me 48Kps) so what? do I need to own a ISP or have a T1 line to use the sharekhan site?
There are tech. issues too. For example if you click on a link it asks you to login - fine. After login it takes you to the homepage not the page you requested for. What kind of crap is this?
Inconsistencies in website: links present on one page are suddenly missing on other pages. For ex: Price watch is a very important link on the home page. But after you login and enter into your account section, Viola! new set of menus and no price watch in it. So you have to go back to the homepage... click click click back and forth... poor navigation is what it is. How many years did you say these guys were in business? Blimy! even buffalloes learn faster.
One very important feature is missing. If you want to sell/buy a script at a particular price anytime in the future you should be able to issue instruction for it. All that sharekhan needs to do is store the instruction in a database and when the markets are open match the live price with the sell at/buy at price. If matches, release instruction in the market. Yet something so simple and implementable that could really make lives simpler is missing.
Once while transfering funds online from my bank to sharekhan site, the sharekhan site went missing (page not found crap). I spent the next two days running around like a headless chicken before sharekhan finally found the money meanwhile I lost so many buy opportunities. Should I sue them for lost opportunities? That would be fun na? specially in India ;-) Am joking now.. but sharekan site will have by the short and curlies if you every sign up for their services.
What do I need to do so they improve? - hit them over the head with a hammer? I know writing or taking to them over the phone does not help.