Ive been using ShareKhan for about 3 months now. To give you a brief background, I have more than 17 (yes, 17!) years of experience in the IT industry, and much of that has been spent in building websites for major customers.
Usability, ease of navigation, intuitiveness, easy access to core functionality, consistency are all essential features of any website, not just good ones. Sharekhan takes the cake (Black Forest, yum!) in being able to design and maintain the most user-unfriendly website that Ive ever encountered...yes, even worse than <>.
Each link that you click on in the menu strip across the top of each page will change the contents of the menu strip. So, the same functionality may be called Market Watch on one page and Market Corner on another. The terms, abbreviations, acronyms and phrases used across the website are a nightmare to deal with for the newbie investor.
There is a link called MyPortfolio, but it shows you only the stocks you have and not the mutual funds, if any. And, to top it all, there appears to be no easy way to modify the Portfolio View to show the mutual funds. The cross linking of web pages is a total shambles. If Im researching a mutual fund in one section of the website and I find a mutual fund I like, I want to be able to click on a link/button that says Buy this...". But, no, you have to navigate all the way back to the Trading section to buy it, and for all you know, that fund may not even be available for purchase. There is no way to screen or search for funds or stocks. I can go on and on, but MouthShut will just shut my mouth (ahem, fingers)!
Obviously, ShareKhan has hired a bunch of sadists who know just what to do to infuriate the average investor and drive him / her to suicide. Im using it only because I dont know how to move my stocks out of there to a more decent trading website. Help!! Please!!