Dont ask me WHY I saw the movie? I dont know myself....but I did see the movie. I even paid for my ticket!!! Best part was that I entered the theatre 5 min after the show was supposed to start and guess what.....they were kind enough to wait for me. Nope...not cuz I am a vip.....but cuz I was the ONLY one. Honest!! Imagine......I watched the movie ALL alone....a horror movie at that......stuff nightmares are made of....right? Ok so I exaggerated...there were three of us that watched the movie...:P...
I wasnt going to write a review but then I thought what if other MS guys went to see the movie? I dont want ANYONE else to waste money on this movie. Go watch something else......ANY movie....even one with whats-his-name......the dumb looking guy who never shaves ....was in Murder.....yeah Emraan Hashmi (exaggerated shiver)......
Land of the dead is just that......dead people walking around...zombies as they are popularly known as. (I know a few guys who could do a zombie role quite naturally. Some actors too...Sunjay Dutt.....Sunil Shetty? I know I know...i always pick on them). Anyway.....if youve seen Night of the Living dead then you know what to expect. If you havent, then go see a Sunil Shetty movie....alright alright Ill stop picking on him.The director is the same guy who directed Night of the Living dead ( low budget horror movie that turned out to be a monstrous hit).......George A.Romero. The only difference is that the zombies in Land of the dead are a bit smart (not very smart tho). They do eat live people..stagger around like ....well....zombies.....but they are able to think a little...use a gun ..that sorta thing. Surprisingly, the movie has Dennis Hopper (WHAT was he thinking?!!!!).....John Leguizamo (thought he had more sense).....and another familiar looking guy Simon Baker.....wonder where Ive seen him before? Theres also this great big black guy.....whos the leader of zombies.....I have no idea what his name is.....he looks familiar tho.
The story goes this way....zombies have taken over the country (USA ofcourse)......humans live in a cordoned off city which is patrolled by the military. The rich guys live in a skyscraper....poor guys on the street. Outside this fortified city are the zombies.....who naturally want in. Dennis H and John L are the bad guys......Dennis H is the rich bad guy......John L is the poor bad guy...who wants to be a rich bad guy but Dennis H wont let him. Simon Baker is the hero......whos duty is to go out of the city (with other guys / gals ofcourse) in a fortified 18 wheeler truck thingie called Dead Reckoning (must be a pun..actually was the name of the movie before they changed it to Land of the dead) fetch food/meds/booze etc for the rich guys inside. The zombies decide to break down the defences of the city and eat the rich/poor guys inside. Simon Baker does battle with the zombies........saves a whole lot of people....then heads north where he hopes.....there arent any people or zombies! Fat chance of that!!! Btw..the big black zombie guy survives......thus creating an opening for a sequel. Im hoping that this sequel NEVER gets made....or someones going to shoot George Romero....while hes ..errr..shooting the movie.
The special effects of the movie are ok...nothing to write home jump a couple of times....but thats it. The zombies are more funny than scary. The movie is more like a game (Resident Evil)......a zombie shoot-em-up. Bits of zombie heads and feet flying being blown up.....zombies grabbing people from behind....u know the drill. Some scenes are gross.....while other scenes are stupid. The director tries to scare you by using blue lighting and forcing the good guys to hunt zombies at nite (apparently zombies cannot resist fireworks which are shot in the sky). time zombies arent THAT scary!
To end this review.....dont watch this movie in a theatre. Not even if someone else is buying the ticket! If u absolutely HAVE to....get a DVD and watch it at home.....that way.....if you get bored....u can watch TV instead......even Fame Gurukul (even more exaggerated shiver) is more watchable (barely)....