I ordered a high quality spray gun for car wash and formula 1 car wash combo( as shown in the ad picture) a month ago, and received a cheap quality product which was a local garden sprayer and a local quality small bottle car wash .
I raised a refund request with shopclues, and instead of refund, they sent me same product again!. and this time they disabled the return or feed back options from portal at all!. I raised a support case this time again, and after 1 week and 18 mails, they decided that what I received is same as ordered!.
I dont know if blind people are sitting in shopclues support! Any body with good vision can make out from the attached images that the products are entirely different. Shopclues is supporting such open cheating vendors who want to sell their cheap products by showing different good products.
I am planning to raise a case in consumer court for this cheating .