Again I got tempated with Indiatimes shopping Ads and made the mistake again. I checked Sony DSC650 price with local vendor and their price was around rs.9000 while on indiatimes it was 6500, so I got tempted. I confirmed with indiatimes and they said its brand new camera with 1 GB memory stick free. I immediately purchased, there was error on the site coz I used Firefox browser where the site sucks. I went to payment gateway and after payment, I came back to indiatimes site with blank page. Went to my account page, no order details. Called customer support(BTW, bangalore customer support number does not work) and finally through payment details on my Bank account I got through that order.
But issue starts now:
The camera reached. The 1 GB card didnt work. It gave format error. That was a gift item to my friend. I asked my friend to take to Sony Showroom and to my surprise they said the CARD IS DUPLICATE and bad. The battery cells were also not new. Now that made me look bad in front of my friend for whom the gift was meant. I called customer support and they confirmed that they will arrange replacement, which was great. But their process is too lengthy and confusing. My friend said that he will send the item to me and I take care of replacement.
My question is, why do Indiatimes work with such vendors?
I heard similar pronblems with a friend of mine, who says if u buy Digital Camera from Indiatimes you will have send to repair shop first and though I didnt trust him first, I had to pay the penalty later.
Anyways, I suggest please be more careful while buying products online, especially when you use Indian site, coz we do not have any laws that can help us to protect from quality standard, terms, return policy, replacement policy and after sales support.