I placed an order vide order No: 112799760 on 8-Jan online. I recd today (22-Jan) an entirely different product. I recd and opened the courier as the courier looks un-tampered.
The box inside was already opened and some other customers complaint letter was inside about the product. I called up the customer care and they have lodged a complaint on this.
No apologies or thoughts that the customer recd the wrong product. Instead, they were in hurry to tell the complain process. They also advised that the whole process will take 15 working days.
What customers try to do ordering online products is to cut down on time and energy & get product quickly.
However, this is like a nightmare dealing with times shopping and this has happened to me for the second time (I thought one- off case is always possible for any vendor) It looks like online shopping in India is a long way to go yet.