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Member Since:Jan 22, 2011
0 MS Points
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Pathetic and misguiding customer service
Reviewed HomeTown
It all started almost 6 months ago when I ordered a wall clock online. While the clock looked nice, I ordered and the product was delivered and all looked finRead more...
Ebay reverse shipment costs
Reviewed Ebay
I had bought a product in the last week of Jan14. The product was faulty and the vendor agreed to refund. Ebay took 3 weeks to process my refund and I rRead more...
Happy with Jabong
Reviewed Jabong
This is my second experience for shopping at Jabong, the earlier one being sometime ago when it was just launched. I ordered some apparels from website on CC.Read more...
Excellent service for a defective product
Reviewed Groupon
I had bought a product from crazeal website and paid using my CC. I recd the product in 7 working days after giving my address confirmation twice to supRead more...
Indiatimes Online Shopping sucks, for sure
Reviewed Indiatimes
I placed an order vide order No: 112799760 on 8-Jan online. I rec’d today (22-Jan) an entirely different product. I rec’d and opened the courier as the courieRead more...
Indiatimes Online Shopping S#cks
Reviewed Shoppingdiatimes
I placed an order vide order No: 112799760 on 8-Jan online. I recd today (22-Jan) an entirely different product. I recd and opened the courier as Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on misbahpathan860's review
Please post ownership review after 6 months.
Rated on misbahpathan860's review
Rated on samratsu287's review
Rated on niveditya's review
Rated on pragatijindal's review
Commented on pameladecruz999's review
Looks like paid review. Not sure if this is genuine
Rated on pameladecruz999's review
Commented on jiya308's review
Please update if your issue was resolved?
Commented on sukumar309's review
Have they actually called and fixed the issue
Have they called and fixed the issues?
Rated on harshlambzee's review
Rated on ashokhot1991's review
Commented on ashokhot1991's review
Looks Fake review
Rated on anishasokanonline's review
Rated on shalininitr's review
Commented on anishasokanonline's review
Looks like one of their sales talk...
Commented on hgps's review
Absolutely. I had a similar exp wherein my refund was process but the shipment costs were never paid. Everytime, cc would ask for 10- days time for the vocuher, which never came.
Commented on nanotek15's review
looks like rahul is an authorized agent for ws retail...
Rated on truptivaishnav's review
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