S.S.G.M.C.E my college
Hi friends this is my first review and what better to start with other than institute that gave u enough knowledge and guidance to stand on your own two feets and take on this word. s.s.g.m.c.e is situated in vidrabha region of maharshtra near akola and bhusawal. Bhuswal is where we used to take connecting trains to delhi and other main regions though shegaon itself is very well connected with most parts of india except for northern india.
Oh boy I miss thoese eventful night at bhusawal station waiting for trains to arrive. Well will talk about that someother time. Coming back to college..college is situated about 2-3 km from main town is very wellconnected frm staion. One can come via auto, rickshaw or trust managed free bus services.
It has two enteries main gate is khamgaon gate but rarely used other one is via dreaded cottages which a fresher hates as it is where we used to get ragged but later these cottages r fav place to hang out. On enetring college u will find the a beautiful campus with well cemented roads hostel and administrative and academic block. Now let visit various parts of our college.
Hostel: College has 4 boys hostel and two girls hostel. Four hostel one for student of each year.. they provide u with ample space and hostel rooms good I wont say very spacious but yeah very good and well lit with natural light and power back up faccility.So that we can study hard ha ha ha but that never happened and a slight blackout with generate enough noise to put india pakistan crowd to shame.Each hostel has its own mes which serves okie food (i in in any case used to spend most of my dinner time either at krishna or vijay).
Academic Block: it is very beautiful building having very large classrooms and labs adequate resources are available but compuer facilities needs to be improved at my time we didnt have an internet coonection over there in shegaon but now I have heard that it is available.
Faculty: I would not like to comment on this (following indian parampara of guru shishya)but I would say u would anyways study on on ur own most of the time. We had soem good and some bad teacher as usual of any other college in maharashtra Ragging : Ragging ceased to exsist in our college after my batch I guess we were the last batch which ever got ragged ...no ragging in campus and if I say no ragging it strictly mean that no ragging in campus.....our warden and principal make sure fresher dont get ragged at all.
But still senior do get a occasional chance but not within in campus except for 90 degree salute and top button. That all in campus. Nearby entertainment and leisure activities: Nearest place we used to go for hangout was khamgaon though I never liked that place and would recommend akola instead but that bit expensive...otherwise town offer very few opportunities for leisure poorly maintained cinema halls and only one or two good restaurants.
On the other hand akola is very good city and a major city with all necessary requirements to fulfuill ur void of not being in a big city......but for day to day activities we have tapris fav hangout for almost everyone in college. U can get good snacks over here ..how can I ever forget morre ki kachori bread butter bandu ki cut chai...amazing place college itself offer very good sports activities we have all sort of facilities to encourage sports and u will never feel as if u r being deprived of sports voll;eyball is most popular game oncampus withtow volleyball courts and night lighting system in place which makes sure that games go on for long timein night too.
Genearal attitude towards ppl from outside maharshtra is one major drawback : Most of the academic staff has certainwithdrawn attitude toward ppl frm north india but to be really honest this has never ever resulted in affecting ur results or will ever affect ur studies. OVERALL A GREAT PLACE TO BE IN>>>>>