Friends have a look at this. its coming out. I hope DGCA sits up and takes notice. Air-Dhakkan should learn to respect their customers.The other day, I read Paramount CEOs interview and the guy said in the end that "till now we have had no customer complains and we hope to keep it that way. touchwood"Now thats customer service and thinking about customers.Air-Dhakkan should learn from other low cost airlines.complete story from cnn-ibnIndias leading low cost airline, Air
Deccan, received an unprecedented dent in its credibility with CNN-IBN unravelling how the airline takes the passengers for a ride.The CNN-IBN team posed as passengers and found that off-loading passengers seems a part of Air Deccans daily routine.On CNN-IBN’s show Face the Nation Vidya Shankar Aiyar spoke to the Chief Operating Officer Air Deccan, Warwick Brady and asked him if Indias largest low-cost airline was duping passengers.
When asked what his first reactions were to the story that showed how Air Deccan was resorting to a petty strategy of bending rules to make a fast buck that leaves passengers stranded, an upset Brady termed the report as “sensational journalism.”But is it fair to be charging passengers for coming one or two minutes late as the investigation reveals?
“Air Deccan is a public company and prior to February 27, we had no overbooking policy. Our system, which was in place, serves Air India Express and we are completely open to press, ” Brady said, adding, “After February 27 we migrated to a very robust system where during the migration we had some overbooking. And we dealt with those passengers by offering them compensation and putting them on the flight. But prior to that which I think this report was made, is undeniably sensational journalism to say we overbook out flights.”