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Member Since:Mar 21, 2007
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Very good phone
Reviewed Sony Ericsson P900
Nice phone to own. priced decently. works as a PDA too.(it does not have all the pda functionality but it suffices for an average user)its very easy to operatRead more...
Simplifly=simplicheat cnn-ibn sting operation
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
Friends have a look at this.http://www.ibnlive.com/videos/36543/air-deccan-boss-flies-off-the-handle.htmlnow its coming out. I hope DGCA sits up and takes notRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on pabby's review
I do agree on some points and disagree on others. I agree that they have been instrumental in bringing the cost down. but I don't believe that if deccan was not there, the prices would not have gone down. Somebody would have definitely sensed the market and started operations like gopinath of deccan Read More...
Rated on pabby's review
Rated on adhishb's review
Commented on consumercell's review
please keep up the good work and inform as many fellow passengers as possible
Rated on consumercell's review
Rated on mrizwan's review
Commented on own review
I know how its spelled. its a taunt at them (if it was not obvious to you) like somebody else has said, we will wait till you get into rough weather due to deccan (dhakkan as I say it) I have got nothing against you but its strange that somebody not affiliated to the airline can be so much su Read More...
Rated on sandeepbwn's review
Commented on sandeepbwn's review
cheap fare does not mean cheapness in the behavior of cabin crew and ground staff. They are cutting cost and passing some to you and the majority in their pocket. Guess who looses in the end. we. because we don't get the good service and we run the risk of cost cutting in security. fares can Read More...
Rated on ways2gain's review
Commented on ways2gain's review
good that you have had good experiences with deccan. (rare) Would you not agree that the good experience should be a norm rather than unusual? Going by the posts here I don't think its usual. there is a reason why Jet is recommedned 82% and deccan only 47%.
Rated on dsingh04's review
Commented on dsingh04's review
and your luck will run out if you keep flying with them. go ahead and try it out.
Rated on maxfundoo's review
Commented on maxfundoo's review
Mohit, thanks for standing up against the wrong doings of these idiots. In my opinion its not enough to just decide not to fly with them. we also need to spread the info so that other fellow passengers are also aware of it. And airlines like deccan either learn the hard way or shut down.. Can yo Read More...
Rated on bindupsimon's review
Rated on rrajib's review
Commented on rrajib's review
So a human being helped you and you thanked him. Its all good. BUT how does it makes you give 3 stars to deccan. did you forget that it was because of them that you and others were stranded for the whole night. the problem with indian mindset is that we accept a lot of BS. so either keep doing t Read More...
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