We have travelled twice in Air Deccan and both the trips were not at all pleasant, to say the least. Once it was a short trip from Bangalore to Chennai and the second time it was from Delhi to Bangalore. The first time, the flight was delayed by about 45 mins and by that itself was great news!! If you read what happened in the second trip, you will realise why that was gr8.
The second trip from Delhi was originally scheduled to be at 8:10pm. The night prior to the travel, an SMS followed by a call from a representative conveyed the message that the flight was advanced to 7:45pm. After a few hours, the same sequence of events happen except that now the scheduled time of departure for the flight is 7:20pm. There was a bandh in entire Delhi on the day of departure, and after scrambling to shop (since hardly very few shops were open that day), left hurriedly to the airport & reached there by 6:30 sharp! As late as 6:25, an SMS is received which reads that the flight will depart by 7:20pm. The boarding cards are made and the departure time is shown as 7:25pm.
We patiently wait until 7:20, nothing happens. No Air Deccan employee is to be seen near the gate and no announcements have been made. At 7:30, an announcement is made that the flight will be delayed and the reason for the delay is congestion in Delhi airport, but no mention about when the flight will depart. One more astonishing fact was all other airlines were departing around the time they were expected to be departing and were least disturbed by the "unexpected congestion". An Air Deccan employee final shows up at the gate at 7:45 only to be gheroed by all passengers in less than a minutes time. The employee is helpless and gives extremely lame excuses and repeats the same reason over & over again that congestion was completely unexpected and the airline had absolutely no control over it.
Finally, the boarding starts around 8:30. After boarding the flight, when all passengers were relieved that at least now the flight will take off, the captain promptly announces there is going to be further delay since there was huge queue ahead of us (it would be impossible to ascertain if that was true, but giving the benefit of doubt to him), the delay was anyway hurting us.
The bottomline, the flight which was originally scheduled to take-off at 8:10, was informed to be advanced twice only to take off at around 9 after a huge melee. By all this not only were we extremely dissatisfied but also lost the trust in Air Deccan, because what they claimed and the ground realities did not gel together so well.