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Member Since:Nov 02, 2006
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Good hotel with sea-facing rooms
Reviewed Fortune Resort Bay Island - Port Blair
We landed in Port Blair to be warmly received by the hotel representatives. We were a group of 10 people with loads of luggage but surprisingly the hotel peopRead more...
Lovely place to relax and enjoy nature
Reviewed Orange County Resort - Coorg
The first thing I would like to say about Orange County is that one needs to decide is what his or her priorities are. In other words, do you want to have a cRead more...
Good ambience but not so good food
Reviewed Malgudi - Marathahalli - Bangalore
Malgudi true to its name has a fantastic ambience (like inside the house of a typically south Indian village) and the waiters dressed in panche kacche and is Read more...
Worth every single rupee!
Reviewed BSNL Dataone Broadband Service
I have been using BSNL DataOne (256kbps Unlimited package) for more than 3 months now and I have to admit that the quality of the service (in terms of downloaRead more...
Pathetic airline
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
We have travelled twice in Air Deccan and both the trips were not at all pleasant, to say the least. Once it was a short trip from Bangalore to Chennai and thRead more...
A true heaven on Earth
Reviewed Manali
An extremely beautiful place in India which should not be missed at any cost. Snow covered mountain peaks everywhere around you definitely makes you feel veryRead more...
Very enjoyable stay @ Apple Country Resort
Reviewed Apple Country Hotel - Manali
As another reviewer had written, we reached the resort a good 4 hours before the check-in time and the hotel staff warmly welcomed us and upgraded automaticalRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on drddas's review
You have posted a comment on my review stating that it has undue negative bias. If you read my full review, you will clearly read the reasons for the same. I have stated both positive and the negative. On the other hand, you seem to have stated only the positive. Last but not the least, everyone has Read More...
Rated on harpreet_s77's review
Rated on Sameer_chavan's review
Rated on innamaterial's review
Commented on innamaterial's review
Where is the review??? For heaven sake, please make at least ’’some’’ sense when writing a review. And btw, check your facts before you write them, however irrelevant they might be to the topic you write, Mazda is a Japanese company and not Iranian
Rated on RealGooD's review
Commented on RealGooD's review
There was not much information in the review. Asking people to write back is of very little use and you seem to have forgotten that this website exists for a comprehensive feedback and not just the summary or your opinion. If you are extremely happy with Purva that they paid the money back for delay Read More...
Commented on own review
Yeah, I do not know what exactly happened, but the review seems to have been saved mid-way. Thanks to both of you for informing me, please find the complete review
Rated on Incontrol's review
Commented on Incontrol's review
Sorry, but how is the stock rising in any way related to the service provided by it? Would it make sense to compare the how Enron stocks rose in 2000, would it make sense? Please try to be more rational and provide specific information to other potential or other customers in your reviews.
Rated on Euphoria's review
Commented on Euphoria's review
I think you need to be very specific as to why you think Purva is great. I have not bought a home @ Purva, so I have no reason to like or dislike Purva but remember the whole point of this website is to gather genuine and rational feedback from other customers and not just plain cribbing nor plain l Read More...
Rated on govenkar's review
Rated on mouthshutanil's review
Rated on lokesh_mani's review
Rated on Sadashiva's review
Commented on Sadashiva's review
Although the the complaint was genuine, the review seems to be an emotional outburst rather than a balanced review. I was expecting to hear about pricing, packages, quality of signal, availability etc and most of these was not described but only the complaint about a few channels taken off the air Read More...
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