“Kesar” maybe ridiculous but trust me “Sindoor” is no great substitute, (morning’s repeat telecasts I am talking about). “Sindoor” can be placed in the spaghetti with shaving cream category of dramas. You’d rather listen to Mariah Carey’ charmbracelet (which definitely lacks charm) but what do u know “Sindoor” lacks more. A totally off base and un-holistic plot, passive bimbo’s for actors and frequent ‘Deaths’ of Tittly aunty__ very promising indeed?
The plot is really simple…… see it’s about this girl Vatika or Vaydika whoever living a happy life with her husband Sooraj but as fate has it___ he dies. And as often happens the distraught feminine sentiments result in the female’s mental and physical collapse. Some die on the spot, some claim about their imminent ‘Deaths’, some refuse to talk (or eat), some will become speech impaired in the severest cases, some refuse to go to mandir as a protest, some end up comatose for weeks (or months, or years) , some call their ex-boyfriends in chandni chowk (or some café, or life care hospital) and carry out the ‘dhulai, safai & tana’ process (for them, ex’s being responsible for death of their husbands). In Vatikas case she goes mad - insane, lunatic, goes off her rocker ( doctors define this condition as Patti-loss-delirium) and instead of admitting her in a mental asylum or rehabilitation centre her mother gives her to the raizada khandan ( as if Bhagwan ordered her not to keep her daughters at home, unmarried under the severest penalties __ even if they r delayed). And for what unfathomable reasons does raizada clan accept a lunatic my mind is unable to comprehend. You’d rather spend your time figuring out these: if y = x and x = z then z = to what? Or as to why is melody so chocolaty?
Now after a period of time (and quiet a period has it been) after another accident (falling off mandir stair) Vatika faints and after a few hours in hospital wakes up a very non-lunatic Vatika. The problem is with her madness reversed Vatika doesn’t remember her inter-madness years any more.
Vatikas sister Niharica is also having issues with her martial life in riazada parivar. Well of course she’s gonna have them __ she had a love affair with another guy without informing anyone ___ Ooo la la Niharica!!! some unusual modesty?
Now the Acting skills:
Vatika (star parivars very own family doctor, Juhi, looking exceptionally good in her saaris) displays her enormous screaming potential here in “Sindoor”. She practically screams her lungs off – it will be small wonder if they, her lungs, inflate someday when she is roaring her head off (and everybody else’ head off) in the mandir at Maa for something that happened to her. Jesus! She is a dynamo of activity.
Niharica (Kanan in kahin to hoga and looking not-so-exceptionally-good in her saaries) is okay. Actually her evil expressions aren’t very what they should be, u know plaint. Dhruv with his awkward air is such a Mr. Supine Neon …. So totally inert. He is so good looking; he could bring something more of enthusiasm and animation in him being the younger son of the family. He could learn something from his brother who in spite of his much advanced years and invalidity has lost none of his enthusiasm for opposite gender -his Niharica.
Now the mother… gawd! She is the pirated version of old Mother Hubbard!
On a 2nd thought she looks more like a tiny harassed pundit jii in an uprising, with her principal Trunchball face, Guru Nanak braid, and her sindoor extending from her forehead to her eyebrows. Plus she has this stock phrase of ‘thank you beta’ and ‘everything is ok now’.
Tittly aunty is really annoying with her numerous ‘Deaths’ and numerous ‘hay rabbas’ and more ‘Deaths’. Why doesn’t she do viewers a favor and go curl up and die somewhere once and for all?
Of on another tangent………… Juhi girl looks really good in her saaries – maybe v cud call her Juhi mayya since she’s with her saaries and all.