I joined Six Figure Income last month and am $16 richer now. <smile> But even without that ... I do have faith in this scheme. Ill tell you why. A few years back, I was using and selling Watkins Products in Florida (they are an eco-friendly company over 130 years old, who produce spices, flavourings, household products and all sorts of other goodies), and there were some others in the upline who were big hitters with the company. Gery Carson was one. He was a golden boy, seemed everything he touched turned into money. Within a few months of starting his Watkins business, he was consistently in the top sellers/sponsors, and rapidly worked his way to the top. Another one who kept coming up in the monthly magazine was Art Meakin.
Well, when I decided to join as a FREE Associate of SFI, who did I find owned the company but Gery Carson. And who is one of my upline on the Powerline scheme but Art Meakin. Now, I know these people worked their hides off to get up to the top in Watkins, and that they did it. Yes, you cant just sit on your duff, you do have to promote it. And yes, it is multi-level marketing, the old pyramid schemes we were all taught to shy away from - but so is Tupperware and its a household name. Its not just another Get Rich Quick Scheme on the net. This is a REAL business that is a member of the Better Business Bureau. If you really distrust it, check it out and see. But since theyll give you the Associate page for free, what do you really have to lose? I trust Gery Carsons instincts and the thing is, I may never make a six-figure income. Thats ok, because I do believe that I will make more than my investment, in the end. These things take time, and consistent working on. Not just a blast of energy for a few days and then expect the fortune to start rolling in.
My plan is to give it a year, and see how things lie at the end of that time. In those 12 months, I will utilise every tool that Gery Carson has provided on the website. I will learn as much as I can about internet marketing, and I will not only use it to promote this business but my Watkins as well. Gery Carson has a knack for making money. Sure, Id love to be rich, but Ill settle even for $100 a month. That, to me, would be a beginning. I dont expect something for nothing - theres usually a catch.
With SFI there are proven plans to help YOU make the money, and a product catalogue of success products which people seem to be interested in right now - books, tapes, videos and kits on self improvement, business, all sorts of self improvement topics. Some of these products are only $10, so they are not ALL over-priced so that you cannot sell them. Admittedly, there are some sets comprising tapes/books/videos on some particular subjects that cost almost $100, but these are also available elsewhere and still cost as much. But nobody is forcing you to part with any money. You can join for free and get your own site - so where is your risk then? Its your choice to change from Associate to Member and the benefits will be more. But even as an Associate there are avenues for you to begin making cash. If you want to know more, check out the website: https://quickinfo247.com/963273/YES
Finally, I just want to add something here ... this is NOT a get rich quick scheme. If thats what youre looking for , then this is not for you. It will NOT make you a millionaire overnight. It will give you the OPPORTUNITY to grow a nice business that can provide you with a steady source of income. You will have to work at it, and not just a short burst of energy for a week and then ... waah! Im not making a million. This is going to need time on a daily or weekly basis, talking the business, emailing the business, discussing the products, recommending to friends. If you arent prepared to put in the time, then its a waste for you and the company. But, if you want more out of life, if you want to be successful in something, this couldbe the key to providing you with that.
Update April 2001
They have been doing a lot of re-vamping of their system and training. Today, although I am a member, I went through the new training system and it really is so much easier to understand than the old one.
I found a couple of products that I really think are excellent. One of my pet interests is in early childhood education, and they have a brilliant program in their catalogue - Reaching and Teaching - A Self Awareness Program for Children for only $29.95 plus s/h. It is a system developed by Rhoberta Schuler, PhD, and includes 36 lesson outlines, each with activities, music suggestions and affirmation cards. They say it is suitable for use in the home or classroom, or anywhere children gather to learn from an adult.
Now that Im examining the products, Im really beginning to feel confidence in this business.